
Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to enable BCS Model With ADO.NET Entity Framework?

In SharePoint 2013, You will know how Odata Protocol is important to create RESTful services.
and with the help of ADO.net entity framwork associated with WCF , RESTful services can be enabled.
It is always good practice to enable Custom BCS model with ADO.NET Entity Framework.
I am highlighting key points at High Level  (later on I will elaborate it more..but still you can google out :))

1)Create BCS Model with Visual Studio 2010/2012

2)In Same solution , Add ADO.Net Entity Model  (In Add New Item-->Data tab)

3)Create Methods like ReadItem ,ReadList,Create,Update,Delete Methods by Implementing it in Code behind class for BCS

4)Map these methods to  adjust return types and input parameters and Properties  ,as per the object  described in ADO.Net Entity designer class
Define the identifier column and update it in BCS

5)Remove the class , which is created by default for BCS Model  for defining properties like identifier and Message

6)Now Deploy BCS Model and Set appropriate Permissions in Central Admin

7)Once you create the External List from this external Content Type ( formed after Deploying this model),
   You have to resolve following issue
   i)Unable to Display WebPart .... Edit with SharePoint Designer etc .. etc..
     Solution : Set Throttling limit for BDC service

Get-SPBusinessDataCatalogThrottleConfig -Scope Database -ThrottleType Items -Ser
viceApplicationProxy your bdc service id | Set-SPBusinessDataCa
talogThrottleConfig -Maximum 8000 -Default 6000

ii)Check few more issues that you may come across  

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SharePoint 2013 Search :Query Rules Explained

To  promote specific search result ,or for efficient search, relative to user context , query rules are introduced  in SharePoint 2013.
These rules are executed , for particular search terms entered by the site user.
Say  for example, if search result should reflect recently updated site  conversations, you need to define query rule as follows.
1)These rules can be defined at 3 different scopes
For on-premise version, query rules can be defined at farm scope  and for  both the versions(Online version and On Premise version) query rule rules can be defined at tenant (site) and multi-tenant  levels (site collection).

2)Under Site settings-->Search-->Query Rules ,see all the predefined rules by selecting  All Sources (in dropdown) as shown in Image.

3)Identify the predefined query rules ( provided by the SharePoint) which may be close to your requirement.
 and Make the copy of existing one
For this example ,to promote search result for recently added conversations copy predefined query rule for conversion 

4)Edit newly copied query rule  to add the result block for recently updated conversations as follows

  5)Click add result block and Launch query builder to form the search query

6)To know more about the other customization options ,read this and this nice blog post

Friday, June 7, 2013

How To Enable Site Web Analytics Reports For SharePoint Online?

In On-Premise version of SharePoint 2013 , Web Analytics feature can be enabled  in central admin site.
And then if you browse to the path  ~/_layouts/usagedetails.aspx path, you will get the usage data ,
but for the SharePoint online , it is different Story
This feature needs to be added as app

SharePoint Content Targeting With Audience Rules

SharePoint contents can be targeted to dynamic set of audience (SPUsers) satisfying  the Audience Rule
and matching particular user profile property or combination of multiple SharePoint groups or distribution lists

1)To do so, Under user profiles (In Central admin) --> select  Manage Audience

2)Create new audience and apply audience rules like follows and compile this audience group

Note--> You need to enable audience targeting for lists or libraries in settings page
3)Now whenever , New app part or webpart is added to the page ,(In Edit mode)In Edit toolpane, you can set custom Audience , irrespective of particular SharePoint Group